Your primal intuitive power is Claircognizance or Clear-Knowing.
This means you connect with your intuition most easily through your thoughts and ideas. Claircognizants have a strong sense of knowing something without it being logically explained and like to think and process through situations with their mind. They are very intelligent and are creative thinkers with lots of ideas. They know answers to things without being told and often get caught up in, and have a strong attachment to their thinking mind. They tend to like to be right about situations and like to maintain control, no matter the cost. They can feel anxious if they don’t know something and don’t like feeling lost or uncertain about how things will unfold.
This gift can often feel as if energy or information is flowing in through the top of your head and when it is being developed you may experience feeling a tingling on the top of your head or as if someone is playing with your hair. The information coming in is often referred to as “downloads” as it seems to arrive in your mind all at once, without your prior knowledge or understanding.
This clair is connected to the crown chakra or your 7th chakra which is your connection point to Divine Source. It is also considered a lunar clair and associated with the moon and can be the most difficult of the clairs to develop because your intuition can sound just like your own thoughts. This can make it tricky to trust the information you are receiving.
As you are developing your skills, it will be helpful for you to let go of the desire to know why and how your intuition is working, and focus more on going with the flow and just letting things happen. The more you practice acting on the information without questioning why, the easier it will be to discern what is your intuition and what is being influenced by external information.
A fun way that you can connect with your primal intuitive power is by getting into your body. When your strongest gift is clear-knowing, you tend to spend a lot of time in your head and forget that you are a whole being and that your body has lots of wonderful information for you too. So, it is extra important that you spend time everyday sitting in stillness, getting in touch with your body and your emotions, and creating a relationship with them.
A big part of developing your intuition is learning to trust yourself and exploring who you truly are underneath all of your conditioning, beliefs and stories. For me this meant committing to a meditation practice to get to know myself as a divine being. So, my love, I encourage you to start and/or deepen your practice.
If you are new to meditation or a stillness practice, start small, just 5 minutes a day is great! It is also helpful to listen to a guided meditation when you are first starting out, however, the true magic happens in the silence, so be sure to do at least a couple of minutes of total silence and stillness every day so you can connect more deeply with your intuition.
I am celebrating your courage and curiosity for developing your intuition.
If you want more guidance and information on how to connect with your Claircognizance on a deeper level watch the
Take the next step
And tap into your primal intuitive power today!
Unleash Your Primal Intuitive Power: Clear Knowing
This course will take you through a process designed to develop the intuitive sensitivities that are already alive inside you.
As you explore the teachings, you will discover how to:
Connect with Your Intuitive Sensitivities:
Interact with the wisdom that lives within you so you can access your innate intuitive abilities.
Expand Your Intuitive Awareness:
Harness the power of the body as a pathway to understanding and trusting your intuition.
Create Sacred Space:
Show up consistently for yourself and your intuitive landscape by ritualizing your practices.
Expand Your Perception:
Deepen your capacity to feel, see, hear and know in ways that allow you access knowledge in ways far beyond those that we have been taught.
Forge a Deeper Connection to Your Spirit Guides:
Explore techniques to connect with the unseen world and nurture your relationship with the non-ordinary.
Ready to Expand Your Intuitive Gifts?
Mystic, Wisdom Keeper, Spiritual Mentor
Throughout my life I have been guided by the warrioress archetype, an independent female spirit whose primary purpose is to achieve freedom and sovereignty of her life. This was not always a conscious endeavor for me, yet she pulled at my heart and led me on adventures far and wide and wild.
She has taught me to live by spirals and wheels and cycles. To live each day as a ritual, knowing that I am the source of my life. Everything comes FROM me and that my obstacles are actually the path to living an even greater and wilder existence. She has shown me that true LEADERS rally for and with life, not against it. So, now I live in devotion to a higher standard of ALIVENESS for us all.
And what this journey has shown me so beautifully is that the magic is not outside us, the magic is always, and has alway been, alive WITHIN us! Only you know how to traverse your darkness in devotion to finding your light. You are the one that holds the answers. Within you, you hold all the love that you will ever need.
Sarah hosts the Modern Day Intuitive Podcast, teaches meditation and intuition development, leads programs, mentorships and workshops, and guides people on their spiritual journey.