Untamed Intuition

Ignite the

wild within

My love, can you hear it?

That voice inside that is calling out to you.

the one that wants you to become one with the flow of life, to open yourself to ALL the love that is yours and run wildly into your future.


I invite you to begin a magical adventure. A journey where you discover a new way of BEING in your life, where you choose FREEDOM and JOY above all else, where you live in devotion to yourself and your HEART, where you tap into your Untamed Intuition and Ignite the Wild Within. 

During this 12-week self study online mentorship you will learn ways free yourself from the limitations of your stories, release shame and guilt, transform your fears as you navigate the path of uncertainty. By connecting deeply with your intuition and learning to surrender and trust your divine guidance, you will move forward on your spiritual path living and loving the TRUTH of your authentic self! 

You will turn towards your unconscious beliefs, harness your stopping places and empower you to choose your life

Learn devotional practices

and healing rituals that invite growth and transformation

Create a living map

of the life you want to create for yourself, so you deeply OWN it, and BELIEVE that you can have it

Renegotiate your relationship with time

as you bring magic and miracles to your day

Learn the art of Shamanic Journeying

and Embodied Meditation as a path to FREEDOM and PROSPERITY

Gain insight into your patterns

and conditioning and use them to fuel your dreams and desires

Understand how your special blend

of intuitive magic comes FROM you and creates a deeper connection to your intuition and the world around you

Connect with your ancestors

and clear the cords and karma that have been handed down through your lineage, deepening ALL your relationships

Learn to be with the tender parts of yourself

that crave your love and support and harness their energy to create more joy and freedom

Understand the main archetypical forces

of your life and work with them to bring abundance and flow

Transform the relationship

you have with your body and open yourself to the wisdom that lives inside you

Drop the busyness and renegotiate

your relationship with uncertainty as you learn to manifest from your BEING rather than your doing.  

YOU are magic, you are divine, you are more powerful than you realize…

 Everything you need already lives INSIDE you! It’s time to stop believing the lie that something outside yourself is going to give you the freedom and happiness you seek. It’s time to turn inward and remember the truth, that you are a miracle. 

Will you answer this call? 


Untamed Intuition

takes you through a transformational process using the framework of the Andean Shamanic Medicine Wheel.

Understanding and working with this wheel has changed my life in ways that words alone cannot describe. In this program I bring together the experiences from my own life’s intuitive journey, the practices, teachings, downloads and wisdom that have allowed me to open and expand into all the magic and joy that is our true destiny. 

As you begin this intuitive journey into the truth of YOU,

please ask yourself if you are willing to: 

Stray from the path of the ordinary

and become the hunter/huntress of the EXTRA – ordinary

Tune into the ways you are numbing

and avoiding and be present for all the sensations of your life so that you can be SENSATIONAL

Reclaim your intuitive powers,

your divine consciousness, and your energetic field to bring balance to your system so you live FULLY alive

Engage with Energy Medicine practices

designed to rewire your neural pathways as a way to intentionally create the thoughts and feelings that take you in the direction of the future you want to be living

Practice ancient and modern rituals

and ceremonies that teach you that you are not your past and show you how to embrace who you are becoming TODAY, no longer bound by beliefs and stories

Accept that everything is your ally

and wants you to gain a wider perspective on life so that you can see new POSSIBILITIES and create from an expanded version of yourself

Commit to YOURSELF,

knowing that you are the source of your life, that everything comes from you and you alone hold the power to make the changes you desire

Being truly ALIVE is one of the rarest conditions on earth, my love, And I know that this is for YOU.

You are ready for RADICAL transformation!

Let nothing keep you from the life that

is yours my love.

Sarah is pure Magic.

She is a magician of love. No seriously. Her work has helped me to change fear into peace, undone endings into closure. Her sessions are so deep and profound and she holds your heart in a space of love and support. And that support doesn’t end with the session, but extends into the every day care and guidance you may need in those moments when you start taking the work off the page and meditation mat and into your life. The work and this program are profound, a safe space to explore, and a path of growth. Sarah’s work leads you back to your truth and joy.

– Suzanne Cerreta