Episode 18: Magical Moments, an Exploration of Your Magic and Intuition

by | Jan 21, 2022 | Podcast | 0 comments

Welcome to Magical Moments from the Modern Day Intuitive Podcast! 

I have created Magical Moments to support you on your intuitive Journey, so you can fully embrace your magic and your intuitive gifts. 

Looking forward to all the magic we will create together. 

Love Sarah Noble xo

Join the Intuitive Revolution and the next Soul Awakening Feb 1st – 6th! 

What is your Intuitive Superpower? Take the Quiz!

Receive a reading from me and be a guest on the podcast 

Listen to how I begin and end my sessions, at How to Set a Sacred Container 

To download my FREE Energy Management Meditation http://bit.ly/FreeEnergyMeditation 

Meditate with me on the Insight Timer App. 

Website: http://www.sarahnoble.com/

About Sarah:

The most important relationship you will have in this life is the one you have with yourself. How you show up for everything, is connected to how you are loving and being with yourself. Because of this I love inspiring incredible women to embrace your magic and live in the mystery, reconnecting to that part of yourself that has been calling you to go deeper, to get closer, to stay awhile and rest with her. For me, it is a privilege to feel all the sensations of life, therefore I want to go deep with you, as you shine your light to see in the darkness and relearn to trust yourself and your magic to your deepest depths and beyond.

I am a way-shower, who invokes the fire of your soul to remember why you are here and bring forth the wisdom that lies dormant in your bones, just waiting to be heard. As we dance together in the space between the seen and the unseen worlds, we will create magical transformation and awaken the gifts of your intuition, your magic and your deepest desires.

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