Episode 50: Magical Moments – Service vs. Servitude

by | Aug 31, 2022 | Podcast | 0 comments

There are so many things that are coming to the surface that are needing our attention that are here because they’re just not working anymore for humanity. I know this can feel really heavy as there’s a lot of fear out there. There’s a lot of scarcity thinking there’s a lot that pulls you away from your center, from your heart and from really living and being present in your life.

So I thought I would address this from the perspective of being in service to something versus servitude. I want to play them out for you the way I understand them, to give you something to hold onto, something to move towards something to utilize when things feel hard. 

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Want to Find Out More about Sarah? 

Sarah is a mystic, spiritual guide and transformational coach. She inspires her clients to live into their dreams, their desires and their destiny. To create a life that is full of joy and laughter and possibilities. A way-shower and truth-speaker, she invokes the fire of your soul to remember why you are here and bring forth the wisdom that lies dormant in your bones, just waiting to be heard. Come and dance with her in the space between the seen and the unseen worlds, where you will create magical transformation and awaken the gifts of your intuition, your magic and your deepest desire.

You can Reach Out to Sarah here: 

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Email: Hello@SarahNoble.com 

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