Embracing Love to Be Your True Self

by | Jul 24, 2024 | Blog, Blog Post | 0 comments

How do we express love in the world? Who did we come here to be? How is our loving such a huge part of everything we do? Today, I want to talk into these questions and explore the idea of how open we are to receiving love. How much love are you willing to let into your life? Where do you hide? Why do you hide? And what are those parts of you that desperately crave your loving attention?

These are the parts you turn away from, the parts you make wrong, the places where you judge yourself, the places you believe are unlovable and wish away. Yet you are fundamentally and inherently divine. At your very core, you are love. You are an expression of God’s love here on earth, in a body, learning how to be human, experiencing life through contrast, challenge, and expansion.

Nothing in your life is by accident. Nothing is a coincidence. The love that lives inside you is creating everything you experience. The reality around you is shaped by the meaning you give to your life, and the amount of love you are willing to receive directly affects this. Love is your inherent state of being. Yet, as we grow, we become conditioned and afraid, covering up the truth and essence of who we really are.

The journey of life involves unpacking this conditioning, making new meanings, and forming a deep, authentic relationship with ourselves, spirit, and everything around us. Your life supports your soul’s growth. Synchronicities and serendipities nudge, and sometimes shove, you toward your purpose, toward the truth of who you are, and toward the life you are meant to live.

Inside each of us are dreams fueled by love—love for ourselves, others, and the world. When these desires remain unfulfilled, they create longing, separation, frustration, sadness, and anger. We live amidst a variety of emotions when we are not aligned with our truth.

A familiar spiritual quote goes, “Where your attention goes, your energy flows.” Be vigilant about where your thoughts, words, and actions are focused. Are they creating the life you wish to live? We are responsible not just for our reality but for the reality of the planet. Our individual consciousness contributes to the collective consciousness. Right now, much of our world operates on unconscious energy, both individually and collectively. It’s time for us to wake up and remember that we are co-creators. We are here to advance our souls and humanity.

It takes courage to look into our shadows. Yet, we are part of a much bigger picture, a grander plan, one that we are here to create for future generations. An inspiring Andean quote reminds us, “We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children’s children.” There is so much truth and possibility within this statement for us to make different choices.

We must step outside our limited views of the world, reality, and the level of love available to us. Through this, we can make different choices, reclaim our power, live in our inner authority, and cultivate a state of being that resonates most with love. From this place, we are magical. We are wild. We are free from anything that tells us we need to be defined by our circumstances or that our dreams are impossible.

We are here to dream the world into being for ourselves and for future generations. We are here to love one another, to love the planet, to love our divinity, to love our challenges, and to love our obstacles. We are here to love it all. Nothing is outside the scope of our loving.

It’s time, my loves, to embrace the truth of who you are, the magnificence of your love, and the fact that you are a miracle walking in a body. What is one small thing you can do today to change your life, not just for yourself but for us all? We are all in this life together. No one gets out alive. Make a difference. Make a change. Honor yourself and the beauty that you are. Embrace the love that you are.

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