The Beauty of Not Knowing

by | Oct 9, 2024 | Blog, Blog Post | 0 comments

Years ago when I was diving deeper into yoga and other spiritual practices I was amazed and in awe of learning a new way of being in the world. Up until then, I thought I knew things! I had graduated from university with honors, traveled and lived in many countries, worked and earned a good salary, and had lived what I thought was a big and colorful life, yet what I was finding out was that really, I barely knew anything! 

One day after a particularly good workshop where my mind was blown yet again by ideas of reality not being what I thought it was, my mentor said, “ah yes, the more you understand and learn on this path, the more you realize that you actually know very little about how life works, and what you do know only makes up a small portion of your knowledge. And… you don’t even know what you don’t know!” 

Years later as I endeavor to learn and understand at even higher levels, this wisdom of the more I know, the more I see that there is so much that I still don’t know, prevails. Even still, my mentors say things that my mind has trouble taking in, that my body can feel as truth, yet the thinking part of me has yet to get the memo. I find it fascinating that after so many years of studying and experiencing life, that it can still astound, amaze, and confuse me with its intricacies. 

This, my love, is the precious gift we all have available to us, continued exploration of ourselves, of the universe, of our perceived reality as a way to expand and create a new way of being. It is all part of the great tapestry and mystery of life. 

What sweet one can you see differently today?

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