How Your Challenges Can Deepen Your Intuition

by | Jul 10, 2024 | Blog, Blog Post | 0 comments

We all have this natural ability to tap into our intuition, especially when making decisions, facing challenges, or feeling overwhelmed. I always say this, but life is always loving you, everything is to your advantage, and every obstacle is a path to something you desire and love.

It’s about turning towards what isn’t working and embracing all parts of yourself, even those you want to hide from or make wrong. Recognize their value, understand they have something to share, and see the gift in every experience.

I want to share a story from the early days of my spiritual path. After leaving my career and having my children, I was drawn to a life of service, helping humanity evolve and develop intuition. I was practicing daily, seeking signs, and staying present in my body to fully experience life.

This story begins when my kids were young, and we attended a festival at the Waldorf School in Maui. I wanted to buy treats from the bake sale but had no cash, and the only option was an ATM in the silent auction room. I used the ATM but to my surprise. it didn’t dispense any money, even though it printed a receipt. I had to call the service number on the ATM and wait 15 minutes for the man to come fix it. 15 minutes?! I started to feel frustrated and angry with the circumstances and I was about to get upset when I had a moment of clarity. I paused and realized this situation had a purpose. I walked around the auction room, open to whatever sign I was meant to see. I noticed a plain white piece of paper that said “life coaching session.” I knew instantly this was my sign.

I called the number on Monday, spoke to a woman who referred me to a shaman, and nervously booked a session despite financial concerns. That session changed my life. It wasn’t just the session itself, but the act of choosing myself, following my intuition, and investing in my growth. The shaman recommended a book, “Shaman, Healer, Sage” by Alberto Violdo, which resonated deeply with me and awakened a dormant wisdom within.

I continued to follow my intuition, booking more sessions, attending workshops, and eventually mentoring with the shaman. Even when I couldn’t afford it, money seemed to appear when I needed it. This journey was about showing up for myself, taking action despite fear, and trusting the path.

Being in the mystery, seeking, and stepping into uncomfortable situations transformed me. It changed my frequency and allowed Spirit to bring new opportunities into my life. When you pay attention, take embodied action on your vision, and follow your heart, you start living into dreams you didn’t even know you had.

So, pause when you’re triggered or facing obstacles. Ask yourself how the situation can serve you and what it’s teaching you. Your soul creates these moments to guide you on your journey. By stopping, looking for signs, and listening to spirit, your life begins to change.

I love you, and I’m so excited for your journey. Embrace your intuition, trust the process, and watch your life transform.

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