Today on the Modern Day Intuitive Podcast our caller, Emily, wants to know how she can use her gifts to help her get wants she wants to have in her life. Our conversation brings up these topics: That you are not separate from your dreams and desires. How...
Episode 36: Magical Moments – Why Compartmentalizing Yourself is Disconnecting You From Your Intuition
Today on Magical Moments we talk about how the myth of separation and compartmentalizing yourself is disconnecting you from your intuition. What is your Intuitive Superpower? Take the Quiz! Receive a reading from me and be a guest on the podcast To download my FREE...
Episode 35: How Your Intuition Can Help You Follow Your Dreams
Today on the Modern Day Intuitive Podcast our caller, Grace, wants to better understand her blueprint and her mission. She's on a healing journey and wants to figure out what her gifts are for the world. Our conversation brings up these topics: Sales as an act of...
Episode 34: Magical Moments – Deepening Your Intuition By Uncovering Your Patterns
Today on Magical Moments we talk about patterns. The things that we do that are mostly unconscious, they are things that we have learned, ways that we interact with our environment, with our situations, with our mind, with our bodies. Everything we do, say, think, and...
Episode 33: There Are No Wrong Choices
Today on the Modern Day Intuitive Podcast our caller, Carmen, is in a transitional time in her life. She's changing directions and is looking for ways to stay motivated and on track with what she wants to achieve. Our conversation brings up these topics: Understanding...
Episode 32: Magical Moments – Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance.
Today on Magical Moment Your Intuitive 'Clairs' - Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance. What they are and how you can develop them. What is your Intuitive Superpower? Take the Quiz! Receive a reading from me and be a guest on the podcast To...