Episode 174: Facing Our Shadow With Stephanie

Episode 174: Facing Our Shadow With Stephanie

Those of us with spiritual and intuitive gifts want to share them with the world so that we can help other people more deeply, and bring meaningful work to the world that supports the greater good. But we cannot meet our clients where they need to be met if we haven’t...
Episode 168: Unpacking Our Shadow Selves With Buffy

Episode 168: Unpacking Our Shadow Selves With Buffy

We tend to hide away memories from our childhood that create discomfort within us, as if to stow them away deep inside the cellar of our metaphorical house. But what we fail to acknowledge within us can become what holds us back later in life, when we are trying to...
Embracing your Shadow Self

Embracing your Shadow Self

Near the beginning of my spiritual journey, I read the book “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay, and many things in that book resonated with me during that time in my life. I felt like her words were specifically for me. I felt like she could see inside...
Time Management vs Energy Management

Time Management vs Energy Management

I used to be obsessed with controlling and planning every detail, ensuring everything fit neatly into my calendar. When things didn’t go my way, I’d get upset and assign all sorts of meanings to those disruptions. I lived inside this rigid box of time...