by SarahN. | May 16, 2022 | Podcast
Today on the Modern Day Intuitive Podcast our caller, Mako, has been doing lots of personal growth work and yet is feeling she is not where she wants to be in her life. She wants to know how to make big changes in her life. We dive into what is keeping her stuck...
by SarahN. | May 16, 2022 | Podcast, Uncategorized
Today On Magical Moment Your Choices Create Your Life. What is your Intuitive Superpower? Take the Quiz! Receive a reading from me and be a guest on the podcast To download my FREE Energy Management Meditation Meditate with me on the Insight Timer App. Website |...
by SarahN. | Mar 7, 2022 | Podcast
Today on the Modern Day Intuitive Podcast our caller, Melissa, is wanting to call in a romantic partner and is wondering if she is ready for this and what might possibly be blocking it from happening. Our conversation brings up these topics: Your unconscious...
by SarahN. | Feb 28, 2022 | Podcast
Today On Magical Moments, Signs Your Spirit Guides Are Talking To You Join The FREE Community ‘The Intuitive Revolution’ What is your Intuitive Superpower? Take the Quiz! Receive a reading from me and be a guest on the podcast To download my FREE Energy...
by SarahN. | Feb 22, 2022 | Podcast
Today on the Modern Day Intuitive Podcast our caller, Karen wants to know how she can be more in the practice of letting go and surrendering so that she can be open to the miracles life is offering her. Our conversation brings up these topics: Your stopping...