Following the Thread of your Soul

Following the Thread of your Soul

Life is intended to take you on a wild and beautiful journey, yet I know it is also hard and hurtful and raw. At times you can feel incredibly alive and supported, floating with the feeling of total clarity and passionate joy for where you are headed, and other times...
Episode 171: Finding the Courage to Say Yes With Sophie

Episode 171: Finding the Courage to Say Yes With Sophie

When we have spent so long chasing purpose in the form of a career, it can be quite hard on our identity if we suddenly realize that the path we’re going down is no longer for us. Now, this feeling can lead us to think that we’ve wasted so much time and effort, but I...
Life is always loving you

Life is always loving you

Many of us find our way to spirituality and personal growth when life becomes unbearable. We’re tired of swimming upstream, fighting against the current, and living out of alignment with our heart’s deepest desires. This was certainly true for me. As I...