Episode 95: Living Outside the Box with Jacqueline (Jack) Perez

by | Jul 12, 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments

How can you please both sides of your soul?

The tender parts that long for security, predictability, and safety, and the wild parts that long to fly free, dance with life, and feel truly, fully alive?

Jack Perez is here because she is torn between living the story she has crafted for herself, and giving her spirit the chance to soar. She has constructed a foundation for her life, a tight box with rules, boundaries, and parameters that no longer seem to fit, and now she is ready to explore what happens when she allows yourherheart to live outside of the box.

During her reading, we discuss:

  • Trying to create order in the chaos and control our surroundings by setting rules and boundaries
  • Making way for Spirit to come in and magic to happen
  • Surrendering to uncertainty and letting life unfold
  • Celebrating the uncomfortable and living in the mystery
  • Crafting your story the way YOU want it to be
  • Letting your spirit become intentionally lost to open the portal to the life you want to live

Listen now and discover the freedom that comes with shifting your foundation, stepping out of your box, and letting life lead you. 

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Want to Learn More about Jack Perez? 

Jack is a Pro-Aging Champion. She promotes normalizing aging for women through curated content and women-driven brands. With over 55 Kuel Category Thought Leaders and 40 women-driven brands, Kuel Life offers women an opportunity to ‘Share, Learn, Shop, and Play with Our Second Act Sisters!’ 

Having earned an MBA from the University of Chicago, Perez carries a hard-nosed business understanding to the entrepreneur world. Jack’s passions include: spending time with her son, traveling to exotic, off-the-beaten-path places such as; Cuba, Jordan, Zambia, Bolivia, and Zanzibar. An endorphin junkie, Jack is an avid jump roper, Peloton-fanatic, and a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo.

To connect with Jack, visit:

Website: www.kuellife.com 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kuellife 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kuellife/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kuellife

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/kuellife/ 


Check out Jack’s free gift for listeners!
8 Ways To Make The Most Of Midlife: https://mailchi.mp/75b844fbe60f/makethemost

Want to Find Out More about Sarah?

Sarah is a mystic, spiritual guide and transformational coach. As a portal between the seen and the unseen worlds she lives in devotion to creating spaces that allow people to be fully ALIVE and deeply connected to their intuition. We are ALL intuitive and have the capacity to connect with what we cannot see, and because of this she loves inspiring people to embrace their magic and live in the mystery of life. Knowing that life is ALWAYS loving you, even in the hard moments, and understanding that how you show up for everything is connected to how you are loving and being with yourself,, she loves to play in the places that awaken the truth of YOU and ignite the gifts your of intuition, magic and your deepest desires.

You can Reach Out to Sarah here:

Website: http://www.SarahNoble.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themoderndayintuitive/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Themoderndayintuitive

Email: Hello@SarahNoble.com

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