Episode 119: Tuning Into Your True Desires With Rissa

by | Dec 27, 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments

We live in a world where we have more access to each other than ever, and can tap into unimaginable amounts of information that can inform our decisions. With that, everybody around you will have their own opinions on what you should do next, especially if you are at all visible online and taking advantage of that digital connectedness. But nobody knows what is truly best for you except YOU! As difficult as it is to tune out the noise of everyone around you, it will be the most fulfilling and rewarding to find the clarity within yourself.

Rissa is here because she is feeling overwhelmed with all of the advice she’s been receiving from the people around her, about what she should do with her life. She’s looking to connect with her own inner wisdom and higher self to understand her own path, rather than being influenced by the many opinions of others regarding what she wants to do. Today, Rissa and I have an enlightening conversation that helps her access her own truth.

During her reading we discuss:

  • How overwhelm doesn’t come from doing too much; it comes from not being rooted in your own truth
  • Living with the cycles of life and the seasons of change
  • How by learning to be uncomfortable, we are actually helping others to do the same
  • That your resistance actually holds the answers to your prayers
  • How to harness the golden nuggets from your resistance
  • Recognizing that your thoughts and emotions are actually warning signs that something is changing

I hope this reading allows you to come back to center, ground in your own truth, and create a new relationship with the resistance you’re feeling.

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Want to Find Out More about Sarah?

Sarah is a mystic, spiritual guide and transformational coach. As a portal between the seen and the unseen worlds she lives in devotion to creating spaces that allow people to be fully ALIVE and deeply connected to their intuition. We are ALL intuitive and have the capacity to connect with what we cannot see, and because of this she loves inspiring people to embrace their magic and live in the mystery of life. Knowing that life is ALWAYS loving you, even in the hard moments, and understanding that how you show up for everything is connected to how you are loving and being with yourself, she loves to play in the places that awaken the truth of YOU and ignite the gifts your of intuition, magic and your deepest desires.

You can Reach Out to Sarah here:

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Email me at hello@sarahnoble.com

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