Are you following your calling?

by | Aug 14, 2024 | Blog, Blog Post | 0 comments

Following your calling is a wild, uncertain, AND magical ride! Sometimes the way forward is crystal clear, while other times the path seems so clouded that you doubt why you ever started this crazy journey in the first place. But here’s the truth: you are not alone.

None of us know for certain what the next moment will bring, let alone how our purpose will unfold. The key is to embrace every part of the process. It’s through this embrace that you learn to dance the unique dance that is your gift to the world.

There will be times when you want to give up, when everything seems hopeless. But there will also be moments when you feel unstoppable, driven by the truth you came here to share. The magic happens when you’re willing to be authentically YOU through all of these moments. It’s about allowing everything to matter, everything to count, and everything to lead you towards your destiny.

This is what living fully ALIVE looks like!

As you journey forward, you’ll find yourself faced with numerous choices and opportunities. This means you have lots of decisions to make. Where do you want to live? What career path do you want to follow? What do you want your life to look like?

When faced with so many choices, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and frustrated – even when all the options seem good! But don’t let fear hold you back.

Remember, there are no failures, no real mistakes. It’s all about what you choose to do with each moment you have. Every choice is a learning opportunity, a portal to growth and expansion. The only way to become adept at making decisions that move you in the direction you want to go is to keep practicing making decisions!

Never be afraid to walk the path less traveled, my love. Your opportunities are your adventure, and your soul is ready to embark on this exploration. Embrace the journey, trust the process, and keep moving forward. This is your unique path, your calling – and it’s waiting for you to fully step into it.

So take a deep breath, trust yourself, and dive in. Your adventure awaits!

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