Episode 156: Exploring Our Energetic Bodies After Trauma With Chris

by | Sep 11, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

When we experience very hard things in life, especially during childhood, our energetic bodies create a protection mechanism to defend against abuse that is happening. As a result, most of the time, people live in the unconscious realm of their trauma, and just act from that place without recognizing the energetic disturbance that has happened.

Chris is here looking for direction. She’s recently published a book, and although she imagined that by now things would be moving along more rapidly, she’s experiencing some hiccups that have left her feeling lost. What transpires is an in-depth conversation about her relationship with her parents, and how to find purpose from deep pain.

During her reading we talk about:

  • How abusive parental relationships are affecting our lives in the present day, and what we can do about it
  • How your energetic body learns how to defend itself, and why it’s so important that we learn to rebuild it
  • How the more you get to know your energetic body, the more you can know what it needs
  • How harnessing your power, engaging your inner warrior, and turning your pain into your purpose, are such a big part of this human journey

I hope this reading allows you to connect more deeply with the parts of yourself that still harbor pain and keep you stuck.

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Want to Find Out More about Sarah?


Throughout my life I have been guided by the warrioress archetype, an independent female spirit whose primary purpose is to achieve freedom and sovereignty of her life. This was not always a conscious endeavor for me, yet she pulled at my heart and led me on adventures far and wide and wild. She has taught me to live by spirals and wheels and cycles. To live each day as a ritual, knowing that I am the source of my life. Everything comes FROM me and that my obstacles are actually the path to living an even greater and wilder existence. She has shown me that true LEADERS rally for and with life, not against it. So, now I live in devotion to a higher standard of LIFE for us all.

You can Reach Out to Sarah here:

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Email me at hello@sarahnoble.com

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