Life is intended to take you on a wild and beautiful journey, yet I know it is also hard and hurtful and raw. At times you can feel incredibly alive and supported, floating with the feeling of total clarity and passionate joy for where you are headed, and other times you feel lost and uncertain, baffled and frantic, alone and undeserving.
Yet throughout all of your ups and downs, if you are honest with yourself and pause long enough to listen, you can always feel the thread of your Soul guiding you gently and steadfastly forward.
Within us all lives a deep and unwavering knowing of who we came here to BE. It may have started in childhood woven through your unique and childish obsessions, it might have stirred as a teenager when a teacher offered you an assignment on an uncommon topic or perhaps it came alive after your first real heartbreak.
Whatever the moment, your connection to this spark of curiosity that seemed to not make sense to anyone but you, is a sacred gift from your Soul.
And, even though you might not have been aware of a big picture as you barreled through your life caught up in all the meanderings of growing up, you can still remember the stirring of something greater than you, moving within you, as your Soul paused and offered you the tendril of its purpose and wanting.
These days you brush up against it from time to time, it feels electric, alive, beckoning, trying to get your attention as its rough edges scrape against the confining walls of the beliefs that tell you it’s not possible, that what you want is silly, unattainable, childish, irresponsible.
Yet, you can’t deny the moments when you dip into the vastness of your Soul and touch this place inside you. As you allow yourself to be with this place you can see that it stretches out in front of you pulling you forward, begging that you pay attention and give in to the wisdom it is longing to share.
So, even when you are unaware of the greater Divine orchestration that is unfolding, when you are lost in the darkness of your woes, I urge you to look back and give witness to the worn and tattered path that you have been walking that brought you to this exact right moment in time, as you followed the loving and enduring thread of your Soul.
Even when you are unaware of the greater Divine orchestration that is unfolding, when you are lost in the darkness of your woes, your Soul is always wanting what is most aligned and cherished for you. So I urge you to look back and give witness to the worn and tattered path that you have been walking that brought you to this exact right moment in time, as you followed the loving and enduring thread of your Soul.
Sweet one, I wonder what could be different if you partnered with your Soul to guide your journey instead of believing your beliefs?