by SarahN. | May 22, 2024 | Podcast
I have so much fascination for how connected we all are, and how interwoven the parts of our lives are with each other. Sometimes we can see several questions arise in our lives and try to approach finding answers from different means, when they in fact come from the...
by SarahN. | May 15, 2024 | Blog, Blog Post
In these turbulent times of our planet’s evolution, we are faced with many challenges that demand our attention. The landscape of our world is shifting, urging us to confront what is no longer working for humanity’s highest good. It’s easy to feel...
by SarahN. | May 15, 2024 | Podcast
I’m a firm believer that each of us holds a divine purpose, but sometimes societal pressures and internal doubts can cloud our clarity. Joanna, trying to understand her “Golden Ticket” revelation from a psychic, joins me today to delve into her...
by SarahN. | May 8, 2024 | Blog, Blog Post
I want to guide you through a practice that has been instrumental in honing my intuitive abilities. Whether you’re just starting on your spiritual journey or seeking to deepen your connection with your inner guidance, this practice can serve as a powerful tool...
by SarahN. | May 8, 2024 | Podcast
In a society that encourages us to do so much, and to seek external validation from others, we often put the notion of “having confidence” up on a pedestal, along with the values of eternal hard work and doing more and more and more. Yet we are not going to be...