Episode 165: Finding Your Path After Divorce With Earli

Episode 165: Finding Your Path After Divorce With Earli

Marriage is something that can completely envelop us, either aiding in our spiritual growth or hindering it. For many of us, we find ourselves in marriages that have limited our exploration of our spirituality, and we feel called to leave. And while that may leave us...
Embracing Spiritual Growth Through Travel

Embracing Spiritual Growth Through Travel

This summer, I had the opportunity to travel through Guatemala, visiting the jungle and the Mayan ruins of Tikal and then the mountains and coast of El Salvador.  I share this because travel for me is a spiritual undertaking. I love how it calls me forward to include...
Episode 164: Recreating Forgotten Memories With Debbie

Episode 164: Recreating Forgotten Memories With Debbie

Our bodies are always trying to protect us. For those of us who have gone through very hard things, especially in childhood, our bodies have ways to shield us from the trauma that we’re going through. In some cases, this might create long periods of time that we can...
Finding Presence in the Chaos

Finding Presence in the Chaos

We have been told that in order to be happy and joyful, peaceful, calm and connected, then we need to learn how to quiet our minds and be nothing, be present. This can be discouraging as our minds race along and our stories keep swirling, leaving us anxious, confused...
Episode 163: Pouring Love Into Yourself With Chantelle

Episode 163: Pouring Love Into Yourself With Chantelle

So many of us yearn for romantic love. It is completely understandable; each of us wants to be known so deeply and accepted for who we are. But sometimes, especially if we are early into our journey of spirituality and healing, the presence of a love interest can be a...