Living Life in Service vs. Servitude

Living Life in Service vs. Servitude

In these turbulent times of our planet’s evolution, we are faced with many challenges that demand our attention. The landscape of our world is shifting, urging us to confront what is no longer working for humanity’s highest good. It’s easy to feel...
How To Receive And Understand Intuitive Information

How To Receive And Understand Intuitive Information

I want to guide you through a practice that has been instrumental in honing my intuitive abilities. Whether you’re just starting on your spiritual journey or seeking to deepen your connection with your inner guidance, this practice can serve as a powerful tool...
How Beautiful Is Our Time on Earth

How Beautiful Is Our Time on Earth

Last year I took my kiddos and my mom to the John Day fossil fields in central Oregon. Surrounded by the breathtaking landscape and the remnants of ancient life, I couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer insignificance of my own existence on this planet. The...
Breaking the Patterns of the Past

Breaking the Patterns of the Past

My love, what are you choosing instead of your freedom? We so often feel pulled in two different directions. One hand is being pulled forward, guided in the direction that you want to go, while the other is being pulled by the past, by old beliefs, and old stories and...