Episode 124: Fostering Your Empathic Gifts With Amy

by | Jan 31, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

In the last decade or so, we’ve seen a rise of spiritual awakening that has led many people to open their eyes to their gifts as an empath. This is certainly a weighty realization, and if we are not careful, we can easily be pulled into the energetic process of others in a way that consumes and overwhelms us. Yet, I don’t believe we have to simply “put up with” this gift of ours; there are ways that we can refine this skill so that we can be a vessel for others and make a difference in people’s lives.

Amy is here looking for guidance on how to develop her gift as an empath. She recently went through a spiritual awakening and discovered that she is an empath, and now wants to work with this gift so that she can share it with the world. Today, Amy and I have a beautiful conversation about how we can not only manage this gift, but cultivate it within yourself so that it provides incredible richness to your life.

During her reading we talk about:

  • How when you awaken your consciousness, your old programs and patterns will surface to be healed
  • The differences between being an empath and a clairsentient
  • How to clear your own filters to be a channel for others
  • How we each have our own unique language with our Spirit Guides that we develop over time
  • Techniques and practices for reading other people’s energy
  • How to not take on other people’s emotions
  • The collective stories about receiving payments for your spiritual services

I hope this reading helps you to understand and nurture your own gifts, my love.

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Want to Find Out More about Sarah?

Sarah is a mystic, spiritual guide and transformational coach. As a portal between the seen and the unseen worlds she lives in devotion to creating spaces that allow people to be fully ALIVE and deeply connected to their intuition. We are ALL intuitive and have the capacity to connect with what we cannot see, and because of this she loves inspiring people to embrace their magic and live in the mystery of life. Knowing that life is ALWAYS loving you, even in the hard moments, and understanding that how you show up for everything is connected to how you are loving and being with yourself, she loves to play in the places that awaken the truth of YOU and ignite the gifts your of intuition, magic and your deepest desires.

You can Reach Out to Sarah here:

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Email me at hello@sarahnoble.com

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