Episode 129: Manifesting Your Dreams With Brittany

by | Mar 6, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

Every time we are meant to level up in our lives or pursue something that feels big to us, it’s very common for fears and blocks to arise within us. That, coupled with the very real wound that we face uniquely as women, that we are never good enough for the tasks we set out to achieve, can leave us feeling very stagnant and unsure of ourselves. For this reason I want to remind you how important it is to tune into your real and resounding WHY underneath your dreams, and to remember how powerful you are in order to manifest them.

Brittany is here seeking clarity. She’s been getting ready to lead a retreat in Costa Rica, and wants to dive into the feelings of resistance that are coming up for her when trying to make the practicalities of such an event happen. Today, Brittany and I have an insightful conversation about the power that exists within all of us, how to tap into what our hearts really want, and how to harness our power to make those dreams reality.

During her reading we talk about:

  • Connecting and creating from your true “why”
  • Tapping into what your heart and soul really want
  • You are the lighthouse for your own life
  • The positive and negative collective consciousness, and how those are affecting you
  • Working with moon magic
  • How you need power to run your manifestation
  • A dream is amazing, but you have to be able to bring something to support it

I hope this reading allows you to tap into your internal power and overcome the resistance that’s holding you back.

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Want to Find Out More about Sarah?

Sarah is a mystic, spiritual guide and transformational coach. As a portal between the seen and the unseen worlds she lives in devotion to creating spaces that allow people to be fully ALIVE and deeply connected to their intuition. We are ALL intuitive and have the capacity to connect with what we cannot see, and because of this she loves inspiring people to embrace their magic and live in the mystery of life. Knowing that life is ALWAYS loving you, even in the hard moments, and understanding that how you show up for everything is connected to how you are loving and being with yourself, she loves to play in the places that awaken the truth of YOU and ignite the gifts your of intuition, magic and your deepest desires.

You can Reach Out to Sarah here:

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Email me at hello@sarahnoble.com

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