by SarahN. | Aug 2, 2023 | Podcast
Your work is a powerful force in your life. When you are aligned with your purpose, work is fun and exciting, and it nourishes your soul. But work can also become an escape, a numbing agent, something that disconnects you from your energetic body and prevents you from...
by SarahN. | Jul 26, 2023 | Blog, Blog Post
My love, there is a world of possibility open to you! That sounds wonderful, but when you’re standing at a crossroads, trying to choose the right path, limitless possibility can start to feel a bit overwhelming… How can you be certain that you’re choosing the best...
by SarahN. | Jul 19, 2023 | Blog, Blog Post
Who makes the rules? From the time you were a child, you had roles, obligations, and expectations cast upon you, and many of those stories have followed you into adulthood. We often use the stories of our past to create rules, boundaries, and parameters that build the...
by SarahN. | Jul 19, 2023 | Podcast
Creativity is a divine gift, but it can be hard to choose the right path, the right opportunities, and the right channels to put your soul work out into the world. Kristine Grant has so much creative energy flowing, and she sprinkles her talents like confetti across...
by SarahN. | Jul 12, 2023 | Blog, Blog Post
The world around us runs on busyness, demanding that you hustle, grind, bury yourself in a never-ending to-do list. The constant busy work is exhausting, but it can also feel like a safety net. When we’re busy, busy, busy we feel like we’re safe, like we have some...