How Beautiful Is Our Time on Earth

How Beautiful Is Our Time on Earth

Last year I took my kiddos and my mom to the John Day fossil fields in central Oregon. Surrounded by the breathtaking landscape and the remnants of ancient life, I couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer insignificance of my own existence on this planet. The...
The Transformative Power of Choice

The Transformative Power of Choice

I’m excited to dive into the concept of choice and its power in shaping our lives. Every day, we’re faced with countless choices. Some are small, some significant, and others life-altering. Each decision, whether made consciously or not, builds upon the...
Recognizing Signs from the Universe

Recognizing Signs from the Universe

Today, I want to share insights on recognizing signs from our guides, angels, intuition, and spirit. These signs, often emerging from various sources, carry a sense of serendipity and synchronicity. They resonate with a feeling of aliveness and truth within our...