Episode 122: Finding Self After Partnership With Abby

by | Jan 17, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

In a world that insists that our primary value as women stems from being in a marriage to a man and becoming a mother, it can be difficult to recognize your worth again when a meaningful romantic relationship has ended. There can be a lot of painful steps you must take to reconnect with yourself, and face the fears you have about being single as women. Yet you are fully capable of finding yourself again and will come out the other side of this journey with far more love and compassion for yourself and those around you than you might realize.

Abby is here looking for clarity on who she is outside of partnership. She recently ended a relationship, and now wants to reground herself in her own authentic voice and expression in the world. Today, Abby and I have a beautiful conversation about the willingness to be open to giving back to yourself in singleness.

During her reading we talk explore:

  • Being willing to be single
  • Devoting love and attention to yourself
  • Stepping outside the collective narrative that as women our worth comes from marriage and motherhood
  • Being selfish as a gift to your soul
  • How it is not your fear that changes, but your relationship with your fear
  • How this helps you access deeper parts of yourself and move forward towards what you want
  • That no relationship is wasted, everything has value 

I hope this reading reminds you that you are exactly where you are meant to be in this moment.

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Want to Find Out More about Sarah?

Sarah is a mystic, spiritual guide and transformational coach. As a portal between the seen and the unseen worlds she lives in devotion to creating spaces that allow people to be fully ALIVE and deeply connected to their intuition. We are ALL intuitive and have the capacity to connect with what we cannot see, and because of this she loves inspiring people to embrace their magic and live in the mystery of life. Knowing that life is ALWAYS loving you, even in the hard moments, and understanding that how you show up for everything is connected to how you are loving and being with yourself, she loves to play in the places that awaken the truth of YOU and ignite the gifts your of intuition, magic and your deepest desires.

You can Reach Out to Sarah here:

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Email me at hello@sarahnoble.com

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