by SarahN. | Mar 27, 2024 | Podcast
In this world, we don’t operate as separate individuals. Some of us come from a long lineage of ancestral suffering, and that trauma is passed down to us and embeds itself in our cells, even if we ourselves are not living the same suffering. We might find ourselves...
by SarahN. | Mar 27, 2024 | Blog, Blog Post
I’d like to share a personal story with you today, one that beautifully illustrates the concept of changing timelines and creating our own reality. Recently, I found myself in a period of transition, facing a decision that aligned with my dreams but also filled...
by SarahN. | Mar 20, 2024 | Blog, Blog Post
I want to talk about an essential part of our existence – the realization that we are souls having a human experience. In the hustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to lose sight of this divine part of ourselves, the part that is here to explore, expand, relate,...
by SarahN. | Mar 20, 2024 | Podcast
There is so much richness to find in paying a visit to the tenderest parts of our childhood. I believe that accessing those moments of pain, hurt, and loneliness are the keys to bring forth meaningful lessons into our present reality as adults. It can be incredibly...
by SarahN. | Mar 13, 2024 | Podcast
I believe strongly that everything we need to guide ourselves through the ups and downs of life, the hard decisions, all the pain and happiness, everything, can be found within us. You are so much more powerful than you think, my love, but it is all too easy to fall...