You Are The Ancestor

You Are The Ancestor

I wanted to share a profound experience I recently had while participating in a two-week ceremony to honor my ancestors. This ceremony spanned from the full moon to the new moon, and on the final day, something truly magical occurred.  As I completed the ceremonial...
Shifting Your Perspective to See the Unseen

Shifting Your Perspective to See the Unseen

I want to share an experience I had in a morning meditation I had recently. I was down at the river doing offerings to her and singing and chanting. As the sun rose, I became still and quiet and just experienced this beautiful oneness, this beautiful connectedness....
Living Life in Service vs. Servitude

Living Life in Service vs. Servitude

In these turbulent times of our planet’s evolution, we are faced with many challenges that demand our attention. The landscape of our world is shifting, urging us to confront what is no longer working for humanity’s highest good. It’s easy to feel...
How To Receive And Understand Intuitive Information

How To Receive And Understand Intuitive Information

I want to guide you through a practice that has been instrumental in honing my intuitive abilities. Whether you’re just starting on your spiritual journey or seeking to deepen your connection with your inner guidance, this practice can serve as a powerful tool...