Expanding Beyond Your Edges

Expanding Beyond Your Edges

As we grow and change and connect more with our intuition, something very interesting happens… While we’re busy shifting, changing, and creating new realities and outcomes for our life, there is a part of us that hangs back, worried about what might be waiting on the...
Letting Your Pain Lead You

Letting Your Pain Lead You

We experience pain on so many different levels from the physical to the emotional. A lot of times we are given advice to numb that pain through many different vices, or to medicate the pain and avoid it, but why?  Pain is such a beautiful messenger that comes...
Naming Your Intuitive Gifts

Naming Your Intuitive Gifts

We all possess beautiful, intuitive gifts, but we don’t always recognize them or know how to call them forth by name.  During my readings, I frequently say things such as “what is coming to mind?” “ I’m getting a visual”, “I’m feeling a sensation in...