by SarahN. | Feb 7, 2024 | Blog, Blog Post
In the previous blog, I discussed how our choices shape our lives. Today, I want to expand on that idea. Did you know that the human brain makes about 35,000 decisions each day? It’s a staggering thought, reflecting the immense power we have to create our lives....
by SarahN. | Mar 22, 2023 | Blog
We’ve all done it… We’ve fallen into the belief, the illusion, that we can control our pain, our lives, or our situations. The illusion of control tells you that you can fix this, you can keep it all inside and struggle through and make it to the other side...
by SarahN. | Mar 15, 2023 | Blog
We all have a guiding light. It’s the anchor point of our intuition, our heart, the place where all the answers can be found. We all have our guiding light, but sometimes we can have trouble believing it, connecting with it, and fully trusting it. Throughout our...