Nurturing Love and Intuition

Nurturing Love and Intuition

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let’s explore the theme of love – a vital element in connecting with your intuition and that inner voice we all possess. Our heart chakra, the energetic center of our being, acts as a gateway to other realms, to the...
Harnessing the Power of Choice

Harnessing the Power of Choice

In the previous blog, I discussed how our choices shape our lives. Today, I want to expand on that idea. Did you know that the human brain makes about 35,000 decisions each day? It’s a staggering thought, reflecting the immense power we have to create our lives....
Episode 124: Fostering Your Empathic Gifts With Amy

Episode 124: Fostering Your Empathic Gifts With Amy

In the last decade or so, we’ve seen a rise of spiritual awakening that has led many people to open their eyes to their gifts as an empath. This is certainly a weighty realization, and if we are not careful, we can easily be pulled into the energetic process of others...
Episode 123: Moving Through Grief With Love With Taylor

Episode 123: Moving Through Grief With Love With Taylor

As humans, grief is something we will all experience at some point. It is also one of the hardest things we will ever go through and a journey that is going to be deeply personal to each of us. This incredibly difficult process of grief has the ability to change us...
Episode 122: Finding Self After Partnership With Abby

Episode 122: Finding Self After Partnership With Abby

In a world that insists that our primary value as women stems from being in a marriage to a man and becoming a mother, it can be difficult to recognize your worth again when a meaningful romantic relationship has ended. There can be a lot of painful steps you must...