by SarahN. | Sep 6, 2023 | Podcast
It can be very easy to dedicate ourselves to work without pausing to reconnect to our bodies on this physical plane. For those of us who are working to build our spiritual businesses, it’s especially important to tap back into our bodies and the natural world around...
by SarahN. | Aug 30, 2023 | Blog, Blog Post
You can’t move forward if you’re constantly looking back. Every one of us has things we wish we could change about the past. We look back at old decisions and choices through the filter of the wisdom we have gained since and wish that we could do it a little...
by SarahN. | Aug 30, 2023 | Podcast
When you have an abundance of choices, it can feel overwhelming and frustrating- even when all the choices are good! We get caught up in a worry cycle and fear making the wrong choice, facing failure, or missing out on a better opportunity. Elise is here for a reading...
by SarahN. | Aug 23, 2023 | Blog, Blog Post
My love, leaving is rarely easy. When you begin the journey of leaving a marriage, you’re not just leaving a person, you’re leaving an institution. There is a collective story around marriage that begins in childhood. We are programmed and conditioned from our most...
by SarahN. | Aug 23, 2023 | Podcast
We all look back and question the choices and decisions we made in the past. All too often we judge our previous choices negatively, unfairly filtering them through the information we have gained as we progress further along our spiritual paths. Elena is here because...