Who makes the rules? From the time you were a child, you had roles, obligations, and expectations cast upon you, and many of those stories have followed you into adulthood. We often use the stories of our past to create rules, boundaries, and parameters that build the...
Negotiating the Balance of Structure and Freedom
The world around us runs on busyness, demanding that you hustle, grind, bury yourself in a never-ending to-do list. The constant busy work is exhausting, but it can also feel like a safety net. When we’re busy, busy, busy we feel like we’re safe, like we have some...
Reclaiming Your Energy Source
What fuels you? Your WHY, your driving force, the power that you are in devotion to? That’s not always an easy question to answer… And if you don’t know your WHY, it’s all too easy to fall into old patterns, old roles, old stories, and move through life defined by the...
Choosing Your Truth
Who are you? What are you??? We all have labels that define our roles in life. Oftentimes, these labels were applied in childhood based on the role you played in your family. Maybe you were the “good girl,” “the helper,” “the caretaker.” Labels can be comforting when...
Creating Wholeness Through Ceremony
My love, you are a divine, spiritual being made up of so many unique and beautiful elements. Your experiences, beliefs, ideas, rituals, and practices combine to make you, YOU! But what happens when those pieces jostle for space within you, creating a disconnect that...
Creating New Thought Patterns
The stories and beliefs you held as a child often follow you into adulthood, shaping your perceptions of who you are, what you’re capable of, the roles you’re destined to play. But those old beliefs can also create an internal power struggle when they bump up against...